Gallery 20211111_131941LIST DTU workshop at the Moulin de Kalborn in Luxembourg (11 November 2021)20211112_141238View from the new Loobos flux tower (12 November 2021)20211112_134650Official opening of the new Loobos flux tower (12 November 2021)IJsland2020-2887At Landmannalaugar (Iceland) recording the yearly excursion for online useSONY DSCAt the Vienna Catchment Science Symposium (13 April 2019)191122_drought_workshop_ghentIn Ghent (Belgium) at the Workshop \'Land–atmosphere feedbacks and dry extremes under changing climate\' (22 November 2019)20181018_141442Femke Jansen informing former Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Corab van Nieuwenhuizen-Wijbenga about her research on the evaporation of Lake IJsselIMG_7088Tower with eddy covariance instrument at Stavoren, Friesland20180424_172006Receiving the Wageningen University Excellent Education prize 2018 for the course \"Catchment hydrology\"Group photoAt the workshop \"Mechanisms of Drought - Meteorology, Hydrology and Human Agency\" at Hohai University, Nanjing (2-3 November 2016)DSC_1290In the Swiss Alpthal during the May 2022 Tour de PhD, visiting the research catchment of the University of Zurich.DSC_0293 (2)Visiting KIT during a visit to Karlsruhe during the May 2022 Tour de PhD