The Boussinesq Board has recently announced that Ryan Teuling is the Boussinesq Awardee 2021. Every two years the Boussinesq Center for Hydrology awards this Boussinesq Award to a mid-career scientist who contributed with innovative research of great importance for the further development of hydrology as a scientific discipline.
According to the board, Ryan’s research has advanced the understanding and prediction of hydrological processes in the critical zone and in catchments in various ways. Some of his most prominent contributions are our understanding of hydrological land-atmosphere feedbacks. For example, his research has quantified how such feedbacks are affected by soil moisture conditions and land cover, and how they influence droughts and heat waves. The research has been published in Nature family and other top-tier journals and is widely cited.
Ryan has also made a huge contribution to the hydrological sciences through his supervision and mentoring of more than a hundred MSc or PhD student theses and internships, frequently in close collaboration with researchers at other universities and research organisations, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. Many of his students have gone on to pursue research careers in the hydrological sciences or now contribute to water management in Netherlands in practical ways.