On 20 October 2021, Joost Buitink will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Capturing hydrological variability – Spatio-temporal aspects of the Rhine basin”
Dealing with spatio-temporal variability in hydrological processes and states is a major challenge in hydrology. In his thesis, Joost has investigated different elements of variability, with emphasis on evapotranspiration and extreme events (droughts and floods), and with a focus on the Rhine basin. Using a combination of different modeling concepts and analysis of observations, Joost investigated the impact of resolution on model simulation results, and characterized different drought types in a complex region. His thesis shows the importance of considering model resolution and system complexity, since both aspects can even influence the sign of anomalies. Using the newly developed model dS2, Joost also investigated how the discharge in the Rhine basin changed in response to rising temperatures, that impact both snowmelt and evapotranspiration.
The defense will be broadcasted live and can be followed here.